
8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

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See breathtaking images of Glen Canyon, Death Valley, Yellowstone, and more.

Starry Night

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Erik Fremstad won in the night skies category for this photo of the Badlands of South Dakota. Though the image is breathtaking, Fremstad says “photos cannot express the awesomeness of seeing it in person.”

Canyon Sunrise

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Grand-prize winner Yang Lu took this photo at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, which stretches across Utah and Arizona. The engineer hopes that his photography will inspire people to visit places like this.

Chasing Rainbows

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Koustabh Kulkarni won second place for this photo of bighorn sheep in California’s Joshua Tree National Park.


8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Third-place winner Sarah Gustafson poses in the salt flats of Death Valley, a national park in Nevada and California. (She stepped into the shot to provide scale for the salt formations.)

Up in Flames

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

David Regela took this picture at just the right time, so that the sunlight made this Anasazi granary—commonly called House on Fire—look like it really was aflame. He won the historical category for this photo taken in Cedar Mesa, Utah.

Death in the Desert

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Scenic category winner Steve Ancik snapped this O’Keeffe-like image in the Ah-shi-sle-pah Wilderness Study Area of New Mexico.

Buggin’ Out

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Brent Wauer won the wildlife category for his close-up of these Iron Cross blister beetles on a tree in Saguaro National Park, Arizona.

King of the Hill

8 Winning Images Capture The Beauty Of Protected Lands

Matthew Sorum won in the fan favorite category for this classic-looking photo of a bison in Yellowstone National Park.

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